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Natural Attractions

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Bougainvilleas blossom

Can you smell the scent of spring?

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Beautiful green boulevard in Haikou

The green boulevard along the Nandu River in Haikou, located between the Hairui Bridge and Qiong

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Haikou International Flower Industrial Park

The arrival of spring is undoubtedly the perfect time to admire blooming flowers.

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Evergreen Park

Situated in city of Haikou, Evergreen Park is a seaside recreational resort featuring stunning e

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The number of birds at Hainan Dongzhaigang National Nature Reserve Increases

Since the beginning of this year's "migratory bird season," the number of birds recorded at the

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Sunflowers at Evergreen Park

The season of blooming flowers is here again with the arrival of spring!

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Guilinyang National Tropical Agricultural Park

Guilinyang National Tropical Agricultural Park is in Honglin Road, Yanfeng Town, Meilan District

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Pocket parks in Haikou

One of the projects planned by Haikou Municipal Government in 2023 is the construction of 20 "po

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Daomeng River Wetland Park

Haikou Jiangdong New Area has initiated the management and restoration of the water system, span

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Beigang Island

Beigang Island is a core ecological area under the key protection of Haikou Jiangdong

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Haikou National Geological Volcano Park

The Haikou National Geological Volcano Park, a national 4A-ranked scenic area, is the only volca

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The new look of the Dongzhai Harbor Mangrove Scenic Area officially unveiled

During the “Golden Week” holiday of 2023, the new look of the Dongzhai Harbor Mangrove Scenic Ar